"Seuls les moutons ont besoin d'un berger"
Au Royaume-Uni, le pays des athéistes protestants et autres adorateurs de la Nature, a eu lieu la première messe athéiste. La congrégation de non-croyants se rassemble pour chanter des chansons de Stevie Wonder et de Queen en guise des hymnes habituels, s’entendre lire des passages d’Alice au Pays des merveilles, écouter un sermon sur la genèse de la théorie de l’antimatière et pour une brève contemplation du miracle de la vie en courbant la tête.
Mais on voit déjà apparaître des sujets susceptibles de créer des schismes. Certains ont peur que ce mouvement finira en religion, qu’il se dotera de croyances, et qu’il pourra devenir un secte (cult) centré autour d’un personnage charismatique… Même les personnes sans religion ni croyance ont besoin de fraternité expliquent-ils.
What happens at an atheist church? de Brian Wheeler (en bas de l'article un court reportage sur la messe).
Wow, Janus. I guess *something* has to be done with all those decommissioned churches, especially in the Euroentity & England & Norway. So non-religious services would seem to be the way to go.
RépondreSupprimer(I do remember seeing a long line of people trying to get into a large Cathedral-like church in Leiden, Holland, several years ago. Out of curiosity we asked them what was going on. They said it was a "free whiskey tasting". I suppose that could be called a mass of sorts.)
I guess when they reconsecrate the churches they could have ceremonies in which they would visualize the identity of the architectural structure with the structure of antimatter immediately after the Big Bang. That could work, you think?
If they start having creeds about how 'We believe in nothing holy," then I could imagine how that nothingness could become quite holy for them. It would be the main thing that gives meaning to their lives.
Well, some say God is just a placeholder. http://www.interfaith.org/forum/god-as-a-placeholder-8889.html « As a digit, 0 is used as a placeholder in place value systems. » http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0_(number). Then both God and 0/nothing can be placeholders… If monotheists and atheists could agree on the number 0 instead of "the One" (1) as a placeholder, and would follow the apophatic approach, they could repopulate the decommissioned churches and party together. The more the merrier.