L'équipe Gold Lake à l'oeuvre (Chogyam Trungpa et Major John Riley Perks en uniforme) |
Maintenant que de plus en plus d’information sur Chögyam Trungpa et son Vajradhatu/Shambala émerge, je me pose la question de ce qui peut bien motiver ceux, parmi les clercs bouddhistes tibétains ou les occidentaux convertis, qui maintiennent que CT était un grand maître, même si son comportement était condamnable de plusieurs points de vue. Ils semblent vouloir séparer l'œuvre et l’artiste. Pour ces deux catégories d’admirateurs, certains clercs bouddhistes tibétains[1], principalement Nyingma, et les convertis occidentaux, disciples de la lignée de Trungpa, ou disciples affiliés à des lignées d’instructions révélées de type “terma” (tib. gter ma), “l’artiste” était un Révélateur (tib. gter ston) et ses Révélations (termas) constituaient son œuvre. Le Révélateur est alors considéré comme le simple instrument d’une Révélation. Ce qui importe de ce point de vue de l'œuvre est la Révélation et la transmission de celle-ci.
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CT et Dilgo KR |
Dilgo Khyentsé Rinpoché avait de grands espoirs en Trungpa (couronnement du Sakyong), et il croyait dur comme fer en sa capacité révélatrice. D’autres témoignages de disciples de Trungpa suggèrent que Karmapa XVI n'était pas non plus insensible au génie de Trungpa[2]. L’admiration des clercs tibétains se rapportait aussi bien à son potentiel de Révélateur qu’à sa capacité de développer un bouddhisme ésotérique avec un idéologie théocratique sur le sol américain.
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Trungpa en Maître-Roi (Sakyong) |
Pour les convertis occidentaux, ceux (Shambaliens) qui rêvaient d’une société éveillée théocratique, ont vu leur rêve s’effondrer avec les affaires de leur Sakyong (le fils de Trungpa) et son organisation Shambala. Les autres, pour qui Trungpa et ses révélations furent surtout une source d’inspiration, sont toujours attachés à son Oeuvre et son approche “esthétique”. Pour cette Oeuvre et son sens esthétique, ils considèrent Trungpa comme un génie spirituel. Un génie parfois reconnu comme étant pervers mais un génie néanmoins. Et comme son Oeuvre ne peut être efficace que si celui qui le transmet l’a “réalisé”, ils considèrent que, contrairement à un Sogyal Lakar, que Trungpa était un génie pervers “réalisé”. Il s'agit de sauver l'Oeuvre, afin de pouvoir continuer à l'utiliser.
“Chögyam Trungpa reçoit Le Soleil d'or du Grand Est durant le séminaire Vajrayana 1976, au Lac Louise, Wisconsin, deux ou trois jours après avoir reçu le trait de l'ashé noir, 25 octobre 1976. Le 15 janvier 1978, il reçoit La Lettre de l'ashé noir. Enfin, il reçoit La Lettre de la clef d'or qui exauce les désirs[3] [ci-après Clef d’or], le 5 octobre 1978. L'étude de ces trois terma constitue le cœur de la voie sacrée du guerrier, le deuxième cycle de l'Apprentissage Shambhala s'adresse donc aux étudiants ayant déjà une connaissance des principes de l'art du guerrier que nous avons présentés précédemment.” (Midal, Trungpa, page 222, note 40, mise en gras par moi)
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Trungpa et son fils |
C’est suite à l’enseignement de la Clef d’or, le 15 octobre 1978, quand il explique le “concept” “Yün” (tib. dbyun : l’essence de la richesse), que Trungpa suggère que maître et disciples se mettent à la quête de “l’essence de la richesse”, à la façon de la quête du graal ou comme l’aventure du Mont Analogue (Daumal). Et hop, un autre projet de matérialisme spirituel voit le jour.
Trungpa et Tom Bell au Texas (photo : Chronicleproject) |
C’est quand-même étonnant quand on voit que le programme Vajradhatu/Shambala, qui commence avec un apprentissage du “hīnayāna”, mahāyāna et vajrayāna, la pratique assise de la méditation (“sitting”) jusqu’à la pratique de sādhana de divinités indo-tibétaines, la voie du guerrier, et puis des pratiques purement tibétaines (Werma etc.), se traduit dans la pratique par des entreprises comme le projet Gold Lake Oil, où l’on va chercher du pétrole et du gaz en faisant des forages avec l’aide des génies telluriques tibétaines “Dralha, Nyen et Lu” (tib. lha, gnyen, klu) …
Les directeurs du projet Gold Lake au Texas CT Mukpo, Craig Thompson, et Tom Bell |
Lorsque l’équipe du Lac d’Or commence à forer, sous la direction spirituelle de Trungpa, ils agitent des drapeaux blancs tout en récitant le texte ci-dessous[4], où l’on invite les génies tibétains à permettre le forage et de faire émerger un “Lac d’Or” (de pétrole). L’offrande de fumée (tib. bsang) produite par l’incinération de branches de genévrier, était censée créer un passage de fumée, par lequel les génies pouvaient descendre pour faire émerger le “Lac d’Or”. Le riz nécessaire au rituel était dûment consacré et fourni “spécialement à cet effet” par Karmapa XVI. Finalement, le projet s’est soldé sur un échec[5], mais certains membres du groupe ont continué dans les affaires et y ont réussi. Trungpa leur avait sans doute montré leur véritable vocation...[6]
Le Rituel (© 2007 Diana J. Mukpo) |
Faut-il en rire ou pleurer ? Faut-il dans cette affaire se focaliser sur le possible appât du gain (“des crises de kleśa” comme écrit Tom Bell), la pensée magique puérile de toutes les parties concernées, l’importance considérable que semblent prendre les génies tibétains dans le “bouddhisme” tibétain, y compris chez des maîtres bouddhistes de premier degré ? C’est en cela que consiste le génie révélateur de Trungpa ? Tout ça pour ça ?!
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Staff of Kalapa Court, Mapleton Avenue, 1976 |
Il y a aussi des convertis occidentaux (et des maîtres tibétains…) qui aiment Trungpa pour son goût esthétique. Plutôt un goût de luxe très conservateur Upstairs Downstairs à la “Downton Abbey”.
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"Dorje Dra’dül du clan Mukpo Dong" en kilt |
Il y a l’esthétique du colonialiste, le look de l’armée, les costards 3-pièces du businessman, un esthétique japonisant, etc. L’école Aro-gter (Révélation de la femme visionnaire Aro Lingma 1886 – 1923) appelle cette approche esthétique “la Manifestation de l’apparence nirmanakaya à travers des modalités culturelles” (“Manifesting nirmanakaya appearance through cultural modalities”).
Le détenteur actuel de cette lignée, Ngak'chang Rinpoché commente :
“Il est peu compris dans le Vajrayana que la dimension du nirmanakaya est une dimension dans laquelle une expression infinie devient possible en termes de communication compatissante. Il n'y a pas d'aspect du monde phénoménal qui ne puisse être utilisé par les maîtres éclairés pour assurer la transmission. Le maître vajra peut apparaître sous de nombreuses formes différentes : en tant que moine ou nonne ; en tant que ngakpa ou ngakma ; en tant que chasseur, comme dans le cas de DoKhyentsé Yeshé Dorje ; ou en tant que guerrier illuminé comme dans le cas de Ling Gésar, et ici - Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoché. L'apparence militaire ou martiale est une glorieuse offense au politiquement correct[7] et, en tant que telle, pose un fabuleux défi à notre appréciation restreinte du Dharma. Pour comprendre authentiquement le Vajrayana, nous devons comprendre que porter le corps des visions, en ce qui concerne le yidam, est une pratique qui s'étend au gar'cham ou à la danse tantrique - mais la danse tantrique n'est qu'une des nombreuses modalités possibles.”[8]Il est très possible que “la glorieuse offense au politiquement correct” sort de ce simple cadre esthétique, et cherche à “glorieusement” offenser le “politiquement correct” par tous les moyens (y compris le rôle de “trickster” que Trungpa admirait chez Gurdjieff), rejoignant ainsi la “folle sagesse”, autre création du génie de Chögyam Trungpa. Insulter l’ego, la multigamie et la torture des animaux sont d’autres instruments pour offenser le politiquement correct. Il en va de même pour les diverses addictions de Trungpa, le tabac, l’alcool, les drogues, le sexe. L’alcool, parmi d’autres substances, est d’ailleurs un ingrédient facilitateur de la révélation.
“Selon certains de ses étudiants, [Trungpa] buvait y compris pendant sa période au Bhoutan. Il raconte lui-même sa retraite et comment le Trésor vint à lui de façon spontanée[9].” Blog Transmissions célestes.Partiellement à cause de ce lien entre Révélation, Transmission et l’alcool, certains convertis occidentaux, et notamment des anciens disciples de Trungpa ont imité leur maître, ou des poètes (Beat) à la recherche d’un dérèglement des sens, qui avaient trouvé un frère, ou un père, en Trungpa[10].
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Ginsberg et Trungpa (photo : Dangerous Minds) |
Quel est donc le charme de Trungpa ? Pour les clercs bouddhistes tibétains, il est surtout un modèle de réussite, une valeur esthétique sûre, un théocrate moderne. Ses disciples Shambaliens doivent plus ou moins se retrouver dans les mêmes qualités. Les autres convertis occidentaux, plutôt de tendance gnostique/alchimiste, s’intéressent davantage au Révélateur et à ses Révélations qui donnent la part belle aux génies telluriques de terroir, les cinq éléments etc. Chercher (et trouver) un Lac d’Or, le Graal ou la Pierre des sages ne devait pas les déplaire. Le génie de Trungpa leur en a donné les moyens 1.0.
Discussion poursuivie sur Facebook (Hridayartha)
MàJ02112021 “On another trip to the United States, Trungpa Rinpoche came with hundreds of students to welcome Dilgo Khyentse in the airport near Boulder; the cars all carried flags right and left. Rinpoche stayed at Marpa House and gave a few empowerments and reading transmissions. The main ceremony during his stay was the enthronement ofTrungpa Rinpoche as King of Shambhala, which was done with great pomp and grandeur at Dorje Dzong. Trungpa in return gave Dilgo Khyentse the rank and emblems of a general of Shambhala. Each of his attendants also got an official rank in the Shambhala army. When we returned to his room, Khyentse Rinpoche said, 'Attach my emblem to the cloth wrapper of my daily chant book:' After a few days it disappeared.”
[1] De nombreux souvenirs élogieux de la part de maîtres tibétains sur le site Chronicleproject. Voir aussi Réussir (siddhi) 18 septembre 2017 et La Trungpamanie fait de la résistance 26 août 2021.
[2] “Rinpoche composed a chant for this occasion. [See liturgy below.] The rice we put in the hole was given to Rinpoche by His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa for this express purpose.” Gold Lake Oil
[3] “Letter of the Golden Key Which Fulfills Desire”.
[4] Le texte du rituel composé par CT
MàJ02112021 “On another trip to the United States, Trungpa Rinpoche came with hundreds of students to welcome Dilgo Khyentse in the airport near Boulder; the cars all carried flags right and left. Rinpoche stayed at Marpa House and gave a few empowerments and reading transmissions. The main ceremony during his stay was the enthronement ofTrungpa Rinpoche as King of Shambhala, which was done with great pomp and grandeur at Dorje Dzong. Trungpa in return gave Dilgo Khyentse the rank and emblems of a general of Shambhala. Each of his attendants also got an official rank in the Shambhala army. When we returned to his room, Khyentse Rinpoche said, 'Attach my emblem to the cloth wrapper of my daily chant book:' After a few days it disappeared.”
Brilliant Moon - The Autobiography of Dilgo Khyentse by Dilgo Khyentse, Ani Jinba etc. p.218
[1] De nombreux souvenirs élogieux de la part de maîtres tibétains sur le site Chronicleproject. Voir aussi Réussir (siddhi) 18 septembre 2017 et La Trungpamanie fait de la résistance 26 août 2021.
[2] “Rinpoche composed a chant for this occasion. [See liturgy below.] The rice we put in the hole was given to Rinpoche by His Holiness the Sixteenth Karmapa for this express purpose.” Gold Lake Oil
[3] “Letter of the Golden Key Which Fulfills Desire”.
[4] Le texte du rituel composé par CT
"I Invite the great Lha, Kanwa Zangpo,
the great Nyen, Magyel Ponra,
The great Lu, Tsugna Rinchen;
Please come and bestow your blessings.*
put juniper on the coals and let it burn until it is producing a good column of smoke and say:
"In the name of the Dralha
And the lord of Enriching Presence
I invoke you on this auspicious occasion.
May Tsugna Rinchen arise
So that Magyel Ponra can receive her.
May Magyel Ponra realize the hospitality of Kanwa Zangpo.
Let there be a Gold Lake
OM MASI MANI RATKA MAHADAKA SVABHAVA A HUM" (mantra 21 times)(Om Jewel, Jewel, Jewel, Great Generosity - Its Nature A Hum)
"Lha, Nyen, Lu please work with our flags
Work with our machinery
Work with our earth
I rejoice in your presence
(the smoke is a pathway for the Lha and Dralha)
[5] “At the final meeting of Gold Lake Oil, held in December of 1982, Mr. Mukpo said, “Well, I still have faith that something will happen in the future, but maybe our ambition killed the whole thing.” He only said it once, and he said it reflectively.” Gold Lake Oil
[6] “And it has. Many members of our community, including some of the original Gold Lake owners and employees, have gone on to be successful in the world of business—successful in terms of the bottom line, and successful by less conventional criteria as well. Some have even found oil and gas by applying what they learned from Mr. Mukpo.”
[7] “Wrathful imagery describes a high level of energy. Shock was the major theme of Vajrayana in ancient India, where Vajrayana was juxtaposed against the dominant Brahmin culture. Tantrikas had low caste sexual consorts, they gambled, drank alcohol, and—horror of horrors—they were not vegetarian. This was horrendous to a Brahmin. It is still horrendous to ‘Western Buddhist’ types who tend to make a codified moral stance of vegetarianism. It may be useful to consider that Vajrayana is not influenced by concepts of political correctness. Perhaps today we think of swords as romantic, and inoffensive, but it is important to understand that Vajrayana is not merely a methodology from the ancient world. It might be offensive to the politically correct to encounter a wrathful yidam replete with a machine gun, chain-saw, and the freshly flayed skin of an infant child – but, somehow, even though that might not be considered ‘spiritual’, it might point to something far kinder in essence than the tightly structured ‘goodness’ which cannot tolerate human diversity. So yes – Vajrayana is intrinsically shocking, because we need to be shocked into contact with our natural kindness.” The Bristol Talks, Ngak’chang Rinpoche on Vajrayana topics.
[8] “Ngak’chang Rinpoche comments:
"It is little understood with regard to Vajrayana that the dimension of nirmanakaya is one in which infinite expression becomes feasible in terms of compassionate communication. There is no aspect of the phenomenal world which cannot be employed by enlightened masters in terms of providing transmission. The vajra master can appear in many different guises: as monk or nun; as ngakpa or ngakma; as a hunter, as in the case of DoKhyentsé Yeshé Dorje; or as an enlightened warrior as in the case of Ling Gésar, and here – Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Military or martial appearance is a glorious offense to the politically correct and, as such, poses a fabulous challenge to our constricted appreciation of Dharma. To authentically comprehend Vajrayana we need to understand that wearing the body of visions, with regard to the yidam, is a practice which expands into gar’cham or Tantric dance – but Tantric dance is only one of many possible modalities.” Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Manifesting nirmanakaya appearance through cultural modalities
[9] « The first line of the sadhana came into my head about five days before I wrote the sadhana itself. The taking of refuge at the beginning kept coming back to my mind with a ringing sound: “Earth, water, fire and all the elements…” That passage began to come through. I decided to write it down; it took me altogether about five hours to write the whole thing. During the writing of the sadhana, I didn’t particularly have to think of the next line or what to say about the whole thing; everything just came through very simply and very naturally. I felt as if I had already memorized the whole thing. If you are in such a situation, you can’t manufacture something, but if the inspiration comes to you, you can record it.
That difference between spontaneous creation and something manufactured is connected with a little poem that I composed after the sadhana was already written. The spontaneousness was gone, but I thought that I had to say thank you. » Historical Comments on The Sadhana of Mahamudra
[10] “So we formed the Kerouac School and his idea in asking Anne Waldman, myself and Diane di Prima to work on it, in the presence of..John Cage, was at this conference after the first summer jamboree, sort of a smorgasbord of many people including Ram Dass and Gregory Bateson and Swami Mutktananada who visited. His (Trungpa’s) idea was that the Buddhists should be sophisticated in mouth and learn golden tongue in poetry in order to be good practitioners of dharma and good bodhisattvas in turning the wheel of dharma, that it would…(in his tradition, in his lineage, from Milarepa on, the teachers were all poets). And, on the other hand, the trade-off for the poets would be to learn some meditative sanity to avoid suicide strung-out alcoholic creephood – the Western idea of bohemian fuck-up among the poets, the maudit, from Rimbaud, Villon through Kerouac and Cassady who died of excess. So it was a very interesting deal, and a very interesting rationale, and a very successful one. So I think now [1993] Naropa is one of the strongest centers of poetry in America” The Allan Ginsberg Project, Buddhism and The Beats (Ginsberg 1993 – 2 – Trungpa Rinpoche)
the great Nyen, Magyel Ponra,
The great Lu, Tsugna Rinchen;
Please come and bestow your blessings.*
put juniper on the coals and let it burn until it is producing a good column of smoke and say:
"In the name of the Dralha
And the lord of Enriching Presence
I invoke you on this auspicious occasion.
May Tsugna Rinchen arise
So that Magyel Ponra can receive her.
May Magyel Ponra realize the hospitality of Kanwa Zangpo.
Let there be a Gold Lake
OM MASI MANI RATKA MAHADAKA SVABHAVA A HUM" (mantra 21 times)(Om Jewel, Jewel, Jewel, Great Generosity - Its Nature A Hum)
"Lha, Nyen, Lu please work with our flags
Work with our machinery
Work with our earth
I rejoice in your presence
(the smoke is a pathway for the Lha and Dralha)
[5] “At the final meeting of Gold Lake Oil, held in December of 1982, Mr. Mukpo said, “Well, I still have faith that something will happen in the future, but maybe our ambition killed the whole thing.” He only said it once, and he said it reflectively.” Gold Lake Oil
[6] “And it has. Many members of our community, including some of the original Gold Lake owners and employees, have gone on to be successful in the world of business—successful in terms of the bottom line, and successful by less conventional criteria as well. Some have even found oil and gas by applying what they learned from Mr. Mukpo.”
[7] “Wrathful imagery describes a high level of energy. Shock was the major theme of Vajrayana in ancient India, where Vajrayana was juxtaposed against the dominant Brahmin culture. Tantrikas had low caste sexual consorts, they gambled, drank alcohol, and—horror of horrors—they were not vegetarian. This was horrendous to a Brahmin. It is still horrendous to ‘Western Buddhist’ types who tend to make a codified moral stance of vegetarianism. It may be useful to consider that Vajrayana is not influenced by concepts of political correctness. Perhaps today we think of swords as romantic, and inoffensive, but it is important to understand that Vajrayana is not merely a methodology from the ancient world. It might be offensive to the politically correct to encounter a wrathful yidam replete with a machine gun, chain-saw, and the freshly flayed skin of an infant child – but, somehow, even though that might not be considered ‘spiritual’, it might point to something far kinder in essence than the tightly structured ‘goodness’ which cannot tolerate human diversity. So yes – Vajrayana is intrinsically shocking, because we need to be shocked into contact with our natural kindness.” The Bristol Talks, Ngak’chang Rinpoche on Vajrayana topics.
[8] “Ngak’chang Rinpoche comments:
"It is little understood with regard to Vajrayana that the dimension of nirmanakaya is one in which infinite expression becomes feasible in terms of compassionate communication. There is no aspect of the phenomenal world which cannot be employed by enlightened masters in terms of providing transmission. The vajra master can appear in many different guises: as monk or nun; as ngakpa or ngakma; as a hunter, as in the case of DoKhyentsé Yeshé Dorje; or as an enlightened warrior as in the case of Ling Gésar, and here – Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Military or martial appearance is a glorious offense to the politically correct and, as such, poses a fabulous challenge to our constricted appreciation of Dharma. To authentically comprehend Vajrayana we need to understand that wearing the body of visions, with regard to the yidam, is a practice which expands into gar’cham or Tantric dance – but Tantric dance is only one of many possible modalities.” Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Manifesting nirmanakaya appearance through cultural modalities
[9] « The first line of the sadhana came into my head about five days before I wrote the sadhana itself. The taking of refuge at the beginning kept coming back to my mind with a ringing sound: “Earth, water, fire and all the elements…” That passage began to come through. I decided to write it down; it took me altogether about five hours to write the whole thing. During the writing of the sadhana, I didn’t particularly have to think of the next line or what to say about the whole thing; everything just came through very simply and very naturally. I felt as if I had already memorized the whole thing. If you are in such a situation, you can’t manufacture something, but if the inspiration comes to you, you can record it.
That difference between spontaneous creation and something manufactured is connected with a little poem that I composed after the sadhana was already written. The spontaneousness was gone, but I thought that I had to say thank you. » Historical Comments on The Sadhana of Mahamudra
[10] “So we formed the Kerouac School and his idea in asking Anne Waldman, myself and Diane di Prima to work on it, in the presence of..John Cage, was at this conference after the first summer jamboree, sort of a smorgasbord of many people including Ram Dass and Gregory Bateson and Swami Mutktananada who visited. His (Trungpa’s) idea was that the Buddhists should be sophisticated in mouth and learn golden tongue in poetry in order to be good practitioners of dharma and good bodhisattvas in turning the wheel of dharma, that it would…(in his tradition, in his lineage, from Milarepa on, the teachers were all poets). And, on the other hand, the trade-off for the poets would be to learn some meditative sanity to avoid suicide strung-out alcoholic creephood – the Western idea of bohemian fuck-up among the poets, the maudit, from Rimbaud, Villon through Kerouac and Cassady who died of excess. So it was a very interesting deal, and a very interesting rationale, and a very successful one. So I think now [1993] Naropa is one of the strongest centers of poetry in America” The Allan Ginsberg Project, Buddhism and The Beats (Ginsberg 1993 – 2 – Trungpa Rinpoche)
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